Children’s Mental Health Week – Young People Must Be Heard

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, and I’d like to take a moment to focus on mental health in young people and children, a subject close to my heart.

The last few years have been tough on all of us, but children and young people have suffered more than most. They had to contend with a global pandemic, which saw normal life turned upside down. With everything thrown at them, it’s no wonder that more children and young people are struggling with their mental health.

The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is My Voice Matters, and with that in mind, I want to use my voice to talk about mental health in young people and what we can all do to help our children look after their mental health.

Mental Health Services In Crisis

The state of mental health services in the UK makes grim viewing, but the situation with mental health in young people and children really frightens me. A recent (and frankly shocking) NHS report revealed that one in five children and young people in England aged 8-25 had a probable mental disorder in 2023.

Accessing mental health support for teenagers and children in the UK is harder than ever. The average time for children and young people waiting for treatment from Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) is 107 days – a three-month wait for help.

Health services were struggling to cope with demand before the pandemic. COVID-19 was just the match that set the entire system on fire. Now, mental health services are playing catch-up, leading to longer waiting times and huge delays in youngsters getting the help they desperately need.

In 2021, UNICEF warned that this could just be the tip of the iceberg. We may not know the true extent of the damage that the pandemic had on mental health in young people and children for many years.

Global Problem

The lack of mental health support for teenagers and children isn’t just a UK problem. In 2021, a report revealed that over 13% of the world’s 10-19-year-olds were diagnosed with a mental disorder like anxiety or depression.

Growing up is a challenging time for anyone, wherever they are in the world. Children’s bodies and minds are changing dramatically, and factors like the pressure to fit in or chaotic home life can make them more vulnerable to mental ill-health.

If poor mental health in young people and children goes unchecked, it can follow them into later life, with disastrous consequences. Both emotional and physical health can suffer because of untreated mental health issues, which has the potential to stop our children from leading the lives they want to lead. It’s not a future any of us want for our children.

What Can We Do To Help?

As parents, we are our children’s first role models. We must set an example when it comes to tackling mental health. We can start by being open and honest with our children about mental health. Children and young people often suffer in silence because mental health can still carry stigma.

Everyone struggles with their mental health sometimes, even parents. Being open about our own challenges can help break the stigma and show our children that when we use our voices to share our experiences, we can find support from those we love and who love us.

It’s never too early to talk about mental health with your children, although it may feel uncomfortable at first. When it comes to talking about mental health in young people, it can be tricky to know where to start. The charity Young Minds has excellent guidance to empower parents to have those first conversations. Find out more here.

You could take it one step further by fundraising for your local school to help them bolster their welfare provision. This Children’s Mental Health Week, as a community we are raising funds to help our local primary school build a new pastoral support centre that will help improve the mental well-being of all its young students. Find out more about our campaign here.


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