Mental Health In The Workplace | The Rise Of Anxiety At Work

Mental Health In The Workplace – The Rise Of Anxiety At Work

In May, Kirkwood Consulting joined the global community in recognising Mental Health Awareness Week, a dedicated period for sparking vital conversations on mental health and overall well-being. It’s a stark reality that mental health issues touch 1 in every 4 adults, having a deeper impact on certain communities and groups. Delving into the multifaceted, complex, and varied aspects of mental illness becomes crucial, particularly within our professional environments.

Over 36% of UK companies already offer access to mental health services as part of their organisation’s benefits package. This is far higher than the worldwide percentage of 21%, making the UK one of the global leaders for mental health. However, despite over half (56%) of UK companies claiming that demand for these services has increased due to the pandemic, 43% of those same companies admitted that mental health was still not seen as a priority. This is the mindset that needs to change. A proactive approach to mental health is vital for your employees’ wellbeing and the wellbeing of your business.

Work-Related Stress On The Rise

According to recent studies, job burnout has become one of the most common reasons for increased stress at work. It can lead to absenteeism, lower morale, decreased productivity, and higher turnover rates. In fact, research carried out by Westfield Health found that around half (46%) of UK workers are close to burnout!

Shining A Light On The Danger Of Work-Related Stress

In today’s fast-paced, target-driven work culture, stress has become an often underestimated yet highly impactful factor affecting our mental health. The pressures of meeting deadlines, fulfilling responsibilities, and managing work- life balance can culminate into a significant stress burden.

This burden, when not addressed timely, may evolve into chronic stress conditions, impacting overall productivity and well-being. At Kirkwood Consulting, we’re committed to raising awareness about this silent peril, advocating for effective stress management techniques, and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding in the workplace.

Race & Anxiety At Work – How To Overcome Prejudice

Discrimination and prejudice, unfortunately, still exist in our society and, as a result, in many workplaces. The anxiety that stems from racial bias can be debilitating, creating a hostile environment that hinders both individual growth and team performance. It’s vital to acknowledge this issue and work towards an inclusive and supportive work environment.

More than half of black British employees have experienced micro-aggressions at work due to their racial identity. Racism is a mental health issue because racism causes trauma. And trauma can contribute to the development and worsening of ill mental health. This is why eliminating racism, sexism, and work-related stress should be at the top of your agenda as a business leader or owner.

At Kirkwood Consulting, we believe in empowering individuals with tools to combat prejudice, promoting open dialogues about race and anxiety, and fostering a climate of acceptance and respect for all.

Shining A Light On Mental Health Issues In Younger Employees

The UK is in the throes of a mental health crisis and young adults and those in financial poverty are at greatest risk. One in four 17 to 19 year olds have a probable mental health disorder and rates of mental health difficulties in young adults is raising.

Traditional avenues of support are facing additional pressure in the wake of the pandemic and are struggling to meet demand. Nearly a quarter of people must wait more than 12 weeks to start treatment because of the lack of mental health professionals, with six per cent facing a wait of more than a year. The number of people waiting for community mental health care has risen to 1.2 million and their conditions are often exacerbated by the delay in treatment.

As employers we can play our part by creating safe spaces for younger employees to voice their concerns. The introduction of ‘mental health first aiders’ also provides a supportive tool to guide staff through any difficult issues that they may be going through. Supporting through resources is also key, whether it is burnout, financial poverty, grief or another mental health issue, your employees need support so make sure your company’s resources are accessible to all. Support with a mental health crisis is critical, having a conversation with a trained professional could save your life, so why not reach out to:

Red Flags That Someone Is Struggling In The Office

Recognising signs of struggle among your team members is key to maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. These signs could include a noticeable change in performance, frequent tardiness or absenteeism, withdrawal from team interactions, or uncharacteristic mood swings. However, identification is only the first step. Creating an atmosphere where employees feel safe to voice their struggles is equally important.

At Kirkwood Consulting, we recommend the implementation of open-door policies and anonymous feedback systems to encourage employees to express their concerns without fear of judgment or backlash.

Regular check-ins and mental health workshops can also help in creating a supportive environment. Providing access to professional counselling or Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) can offer additional help.

Remember, nurturing an empathetic and understanding workplace isn’t just about good business ethics; it directly contributes to the overall success and growth of your organisation. In fact, this is part of learning how to be a great leader!

Eliminating Work-Related Stress & Anxiety At Work

It’s crucial for businesses to actively engage in strategies that alleviate work-related stress and anxiety. This doesn’t only improve the overall well-being of employees but also directly enhances productivity and fosters a positive work culture. Implementing techniques like mindfulness exercises, flexible working hours, and open communication channels can make a remarkable difference.

At Kirkwood Consulting, we’re committed to promoting these strategies and working alongside organisations to help them create stress-free and supportive work environments.




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