
Shortage of Skilled Workers in the UK and Strategies to Overcome This

As hiring managers are aware, the UK has been facing a skills shortage for some time and now combined with the “great resignation”, we’re seeing less than one applicant for each vacancy on average. This is the worldwide phenomenon where millions across the world are quitting or changing jobs. Now we have plenty of jobs…

International Women’s Day: Pioneers of Peace 

Today (8th March) is International Women’s Day; a day that celebrates the achievements of women in the past and present. As our last blog post on ‘Female Trailblazers’ will tell you, the achievements of women have been many and varied over the centuries, ranging from politics and STEM breakthroughs, to notable milestones in art and…

National Apprenticeship Week: Inside Success

It’s National Apprentice Week this week (celebrating from 7th-13th February), which seems a perfect time to talk about the many benefits of degree apprenticeship.  Finding your first job can be difficult. It can be even harder if you don’t have the skills or experience to start on your desired career path. What is the solution?…

How training and recruitment will help you win the Global Talent War

As the business world begins to recover from the pandemic, it’s important to realise that the challenges faced by organisations over the past two years – in particular, the battle to recruit – isn’t over yet. The search for great talent has increased in ferocity. If your company wants to succeed, it needs to look…

Kirkwood Training and Skills launches its new website

Kirkwood Training and Skills is proud to announce the launch of its new website: Our new site is designed to be a hub for professionals – both corporate and SME’s – looking for bespoke training programmes that have a positive and lasting impact on their workforce. Kirkwood Training and Skills is an organisation born…

Case Study KWC – Michelle

When Michelle first approached Kirkwood Consulting seven years ago she was a stay-at-home mum. Back then, having decided to stay home was an unquestionable priority and a choice: the joy of being able to witness every milestone moment her children achieved and take an active role in their early steps of life was an unmissable experience she did not want to compromise.

Case Study KWC – Sarah

Integration back into the labour market is the main issue for single parents, such as Sarah. Years of unemployment may outdate one’s skills and lead to poor self- confidence whilst loosing the capability of being effective in job-search.


Our consultancy business supports organisations to overcome challenges and issues, by bringing a team of experienced professionals to help you make informed and decisive business decisions.

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As a recruitment consultancy we bring incredible talent of all shapes and sizes into organisations by embracing diversity...

Skills & Employment

Over the last 10 years we have built an outstanding reputation for consistently providing high levels of service and...

Management & Leadership

Our management and leadership courses deliver real results and performance across all sectors and industries. The courses...